Isoarc E7015 has a coating with low content hydrogen and sodium. It has excellent plasticity, tenacity and anti-cracking ability in low temperature.


Isoarc E7018-G is a low alloy electrode with a basic type coating. It deposits a high quality weld in all positions.


Isoarc E9016-G is a high strength basic electrode.


Isoarc E8018-G is an iron powder-low hydrogen type electrode for all position welding.
As its deposition rate is extremely high, working hours can be shortened.

ISOARC 114 E12018G

This is a low hydrogen basic type CrNiMo electrode.


Basic coated, chrome manganese electrode.

ISOARC Chromo 115 E8018-B6

Isoarc 115 (formerly in the 502 family) is a low hydrogen potassium, iron powdered covered electrode commonly used in the oil and chemical industries and where base metal such as 5% Cr, ½% Mo creep resistant steels are found.

ISOARC Chromo 5 E8018-B2

Basic coated, hydrogen controlled electrode which gives a very stable arc with low spatter and easy slag removal. Very smooth weld bead with metal recovery of 115%. Working temperatures up to 550 °C.

ISOARC Chromo 3 E9018-B3

Basic coated, hydrogen controlled electrode which gives a very stable arc with low spatter and easy slag removal. Very smooth weld bead, with metal recovery of 115%. Working temperatures up to 600 °C.

ISOARC Chromo 2 E7018-A1

Basic coated, hydrogen controlled electrode for all position welding which gives a very stable arc with low spatter and easy slag removal. Very smooth weld bead, with working temperatures up to 450 °C.

ISOARC 143 E11018-M

Extra low hydrogen Observe normal low-hydrogen precautions with the Isoarc 142. Slag is easily removed and porosity free.

ISOARC 108 E8018-D3

Weld in all positions except vertical down. Preheating and interpass temperatures as heat treatment of the weld depends on the type of parent metal used. Use either AC or DC positive polarity.

ISOARC 133 E7018-1

Low hydrogen basic coated AC/DC electrode. The weld metal deposit is of a high metallurgical and radiographic standard complying to AWS A5.1 grade

ISOARC Chromo 4 E8018-C1

Isoarc 8018-C1 is a high quality electrode designed for applications of 2% nickel deposits. The outstanding characteristics of this electrode provide good puddle control with excellent welding action and tie in.

ISOARC 102 E7016

Isoarc 102 is a specially formulated hydrogen controlled electrode, best suited to positional welding of medium carbon steel and some important low alloy steel structures.

ISOARC 103 E7018

Isoarc 103 is specially formulated to control heat input and reduce distortion. It is easy to use in all welding positions. It has a stable arc and easily controlls slag. Suitable DC only.