ISOARC 307 - E307-16
Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes

ISOARC 307 stainless steel

This electrode is specially formulated to weld at low amperage to ensure minimum distortion. The ISOARC 307 has good ignition and re-ignition properties, good slag removal and minimal loss through spatter. The high recovery rate of 180% ensures fast deposition with a minimum dilution of the base metal.

ISOARC 307 is used on crossing and points, gears, hot dies, rolls, valves, shafts, gear-teeth, machine parts and heavily loaded welds. Because of its high heat resistant properties, it is ideal as a buffer layer prior to hot working hard-facing applications.

Keep the arc short to medium. DO not weave more than three times the diameter of the electrode. Pre-heat up to 250 degrees on steels with poor weldability. Pre-heating is not required for other steels. Always use dry electrodes.

Should electrodes become moist re-dry at 350° C for 1 hour

AWS E307-16
Mechanical Properties
TENSILE >750-830 N/mm²
YIELD > 480 N/mm²
Chemical Analysis
Carbon 0.10
Manganese 5.00
Phosphorous max 0.04
Silicone 1.00
Sulphur max 0.03
Chromium 20.0
Molybdenum 1.0
Nickel 9.00

Welding Position

Diameter Length Current Pack Mass Item No
2.5 350mm 90 - 100A 5kg EL16625
3.2 350mm 120 - 180A 5kg EL16632
4.0 350mm 170 - 220A 5kg EL16640
5.0 350mm 190 - 270A 5kg EL16640